Register Now for Your United States Business Page

6 Month Free trial of the You Power™ Business Directory and Job Listing Networks.

You Power™ Your Privacy™. We do NOT sell or share your information to advertisers or spammers. We do NOT share information with tracking pixels from social networks, ad networks, or third-party analytics. We have Firewalls in place to help block Non-United States traffic.

You Power™ is a Business to Business Network.

We do not take Customer Data.

When a Customer finds a Business Listing, Product, Part or Job, they are taken to the Actual Website of the Business for all transactions and communications.

You Power™ Your Own Customer Base

YOU POWER™ Your Network Rankings

This is a Network Made by United States Businesses for United States Businesses.

Do NOT ALLOW 3rd Party Internet Marketing, or Social Media Companies, access to your account, or your account will be removed from You Power™.

We have developed a simple one page system to be managed by the Business Owner or Key Management to give you back control of Your Businesses Wants and Needs.

You must have a Business Website, a Physical Business Location and a verifiable EIN Employer Identification Number that has been active for over 12 months. Only real verifiable businessess to help block people from gaming the system.

Your Business must have at least 60% United States Employees to be Listed in the Directory.

If Your Business has Less than 60% United States Parts and Products, you must accept recieving offers on similar "Alternative Parts and Products Made in the USA", by our other Businesses in the Network.

The higher the quantity of your United States Parts, Products, and Labor, the higher your rankings in each category you are listed in.

Join now for the Grand Opening and receive 6 months for free (no payment information is required at this time).

Registration Form

1You must be in business for at least 12 months to join and contact us back when you've been in business for a year.

Password Requirements

  • At least 8 Characters Long
  • At least 1 Uppercase Character
  • At least 1 Lowercase Character
  • At least 1 Number
  • At least 1 Symbol($@#)

The You Power™ Network

United States Based Business Services

You Power™ the United States Supply Chain, Manufacturing and the Gross Domestic Product (“GDP”).

Why do we send so many United States Dollars overseas when we can create jobs, parts and products MADE in the USA to generate new wealth to bring down our National Debt?

This is an opportunity for United States Businesses to work together helping raise our GDP to save our economy, and our Country, from the soaring debt.